Rabu, 25 Maret 2009

This article will help you understand what eBay is and how much opportunity there is for you. EBay is not simply a place where the world goes to make a few bucks; it is actually an international company.

There are many crazy eBay auctions which show up in the news like the grilled cheese sandwich that looked like the Virgin Mary, the Illinois shaped cornflake, advertising space on a guys forehead, and the 44 year old man who auctioned off all his belongings and a two week trial of his job to the highest bidder. These are the kinds of auctions that make the news. In reality, it is the news and the popularity that gives these auctions the attention they need to make crazy amounts of money.

What you do not hear about are tons of copycat auctions that go up right after those publicized auctions that do not make a penny. Despite those examples, auctioning off your forehead or your lunch is not a good business plan to build a long-lasting, profitable business on eBay.

To make a killing on eBay, realize that eBay is a massive online destination for millions upon millions of shoppers to buy every-day things; sometimes used and sometimes brand new. Major established companies and businesses, large and small, are selling goods on eBay and making a lot of money doing so.
EBay is an international company with a presence in 39 markets around the world including separate eBay sites for several countries including, but not limited to, Germany, Korea, Spain, Poland and Sweden. EBay owns PayPal.com, skype.com, rent.com, shopping.com, stubhub.com, and stumbleupon.com.

EBay is not a flea market or a garage sale. It is a massive company with a lot of power and exposure on the internet. A small percentage of the site is made up of random things like you would find on the street corner or in someones driveway. The majority of the site is made up of the stuff you buy in a specialty store or a mall.

At any given time there are over 112 million items for sale on eBay. 7 million items are added every day in any of the 50,000 available categories. EBay is not simply for auctions; 43 percent of all items sold last year were Buy it Now items where the product was purchased without any bidding, like any other online retail store.

Who is buying all this stuff?

There are over 84 million users on eBay worldwide. EBay is regularly ranked in the top ten most popular sites on the internet. Over $1,900 worth of goods are bought and sold every second. Last year alone, over $60 billion worth of items were sold.

Selasa, 03 Maret 2009

Trading Option

What's option trading about? Basically, when trading options, the buyer (or taker) is purchasing buying rights from the seller (also known as a writer). Different kinds of option trading are available, though options on commodities and stocks as the most common. Option trading is a strategy that can be used in any market in which prices fluctuate, which typically includes any market environment.
Do you know how an option strategy actually operates? Here is an example. Say that a share is priced at $10.00 right now. You have feeling that it will rise to $12 over the course of a month. You would probably want to purchase as many shares as you can afford.
However, you are not always in a position to buy such shares, and often you will not have enough money to buy too many of them. In this example, if you had $1000 you could only buy 100 shares. This means you would gain $200 if the price went up as you are hoping. This is not a bad return but you may be wishing to make a bit more than $200 on the information you have.
The way trading options work are to pay a certain amount to each writer as an option. If the writers thinks the amount of the share will not change over the next month or so, it will stay at the original price of $10.00. If you then present him an option for .10 per share with an option to buy shares in $10.00 increments over that month, this should be something the writer is willing to do.
It's because he believes they will keep having a value of ten dollars and he will make a 10-cent per share profit on ones that aren't actually under his ownership, and he just has to unload them on you at their present price in 30 days, if you wish. That way, your thousand dollars could get you an option to purchase 10,000. Then, if the price rises to twelve dollars, you'll have made a profit of $2,000 since you have a purchase option for ten thousand and could sell them at $12,000. Now rather than ending up profiting by twenty percent, you'll see a one hundred percent gain instead.
In this way you can take the advantage in options trading. Though there are instances for you to acquire big loses in options trading. Presume the shares plunged to $9.90. This is a small drop but instead of losing $10, if you had purchased the shares, you will have your whole stake lost. Regardless of the risk implicated one must learn option trading and make use to benefit himself.

Rabu, 04 Februari 2009

Gerakan G/30 S/PKI di Indonesia

Peristiwa ini terjadi pada masa Demokrasi Terpimpin, pada saat itu ketegangan sosial politik terus memuncak dan terjadi kecurigaan antar partai politik, partai dengan militer dan keduanya dengan presiden. Pada mulanya sekitar tahun 1965 Presiden Soekarno menderita sakit keras. Menurut dokter dikatakan Presiden akan mengalami lumpuh dan akan meninggal dunia.

Keadaan yang mendesak tersebut, maka DN Aidit mengubah strategi dari perebutan melalui parlemen diubah menjadi kekuatan atau yang disebut kudeta. Oleh karena itu, Angkatan Darat sebagai kekuatan yang sanggup menyaingi PKI harus dijadikan sasaran utama. PKI menyebar isu bahwa Angkatan Darat membentuk Dewan Jenderal yang akan melakukan kudeta terhadap presiden Soekarno. Dewan itu agen neokolim, Amerika Serikat dan Inggris. PKI berhasil menyusup ketubuh ABRI dan mempengaruhi Brigjen Suparjo, Letkol Untung, dan Letkol Pol. Anwas untuk mendukung PKI.

Dewan Jenderal yang akan melakukan kudeta itu dilawan oleh Dewan Revolusi buatan PKI dan dewan ini akan membentuk pemerintahan Nasakom, mendemisionerkan kabinet Dwikora, dan dengan kekerasan merebut kekuasaan pemerintah serta mengganti Pancasila dan UUD 45 dengan Undang-Undang Komunis.

Informasi yang didapat Dewan Jenderal akan melakukan kudeta pada tanggal 5 Oktober 1965. PKI melalui Dewan Revolusi harus beraksi lebih dahulu pada tanggal 30 September 1965

Di Jakarta, PKI melakukan penculikan terhadap enam orang jenderal senior dan satu ajudan, dan di Yogyakarta dua orang perwira menengah diculik. Di Jakarta, penculikan dipimpin oleh Letkol Untung yang menguasai stasiun radio dan telekomunikasi. Ia mengumumkan pembentukan Dewan Revolusioner yang bertugas melindungi presiden Soekarno dan mengawal Demokrasi Terpimpin.

Gerakan tersebut menewaskan tujuh orang korban penculikan, yaitu :

  1. Letnan Jenderal Ahmad Yani.
  2. Letnan Satu Piere Andreas Tendean.
  3. Mayor Jenderal R. Soeprapto.
  4. Mayor Jenderal Haryono Mas Tirtodarmo.
  5. Mayor Jenderal Suwondo Parman.
  6. Brigadir Jenderal Donald Izacus Panjaitan.
  7. Brigadir Jenderal Soetojo Siswomiharjo.

Dewan Revolusi di Yogyakarta dipimpin oleh Mayor Mulyono. Mereka di Yogyakarta melakukan penculikan tehadap :

  1. Kolonel Katamso.
  2. Letnan Kolonel Sugiyono.

Peristiwa ini menurut saya sangat memprihatinkan sekali dimana yang melakukan itu orang Indonesia Sendiri. Dan mudah-mudahan kejadian di masa yang kan datang tidak terulang lagi dan kita juga dapat mengambil hikmah dari kejadian tersebut.

Perjuangan RI dalam melawan penjajah Belanda dan Inggris

Perjuangan bangsa Indonesia ini dalam mempertahankan kemerdekaan ada dua macam, yaitu perjuangan fisik dan non fisik. Dibawah ini dipaparkan rangkaian perjuangan fisik dari awal hingga diakuinya Republik Indonesia sebagai negara yang merdeka oleh dunia Internasional.

  1. Semarang, 15-20 Oktober 1945

Pertempuran lima hari di Semarang berlangsung antara pemuda dan laskar perjuangan dengan pasukan Jepang. Pertempuran dimulai setelah tersebarnya isu bahwa Jepang telah meracuni air minum di kota Semarang. Untuk memperingati hari itu didirikanlah Monumen Tugu Pahlawan.

  1. Yogyakarta, 7 Oktober 1945

Pertempuran ini terjadi di Yogyakarta dikenal dengan Pertempuran Kotabaru. Pertempuran berlangsung antara BKR, Polisi Istimewa, Pemuda dan laskar dengan tentara Jepang. Pertempuran terjadi karena pejuang bermaksud untuk merebut senjata tentara Jepang.

  1. Surabaya, 10 November 1945

Pada bulan September terjadi penyerangan terhadap markas Jepang oleh pejuang pribumi. Pabrik senjata Jepang dan Angkatan Laut memberikan senjata kepada pejuang. Sementara itu, pasukan sekutu telah ada di Surabaya. Suasana kota semakin panas sejak terjadinya Insiden Bendera atau Insiden Tunjungan. Pertempuran itu menewaskan Brigjen A.W.S Mallaby. Inggris marah dan mendatangkan bantuan di bawah Mayor E.C. Mansergh dan terus memberikan ultimatum kepada arek-arek Surabaya untuk menyerahkan senjata pada tanggal 9 November sebelum pukul 18.00. Jika ultimatum tidak dipenuhi, Surabaya akan diserang pada tangggal 10 November dari Darat, Laut dan Udara. Bung Tomo, pimpinan BPRI membangkitkan semangat arek-arek Surabaya untuk melawan pasukan Inggris dan NICA. Pertempuran itu ditetapkan sebagai Hari Pahlawan dan untuk memperingatinya didirikan Tugu Pahlawan dan Surabaya disebut Kota Pahlawan.

  1. Ambarawa, 12-15 Desember 1945

Pertempuran ini dikenal sebagai Palagan Ambarawa antara pasukan Inggris dengan pasukan TRI di bawah Sarbini. Pasukan Inggris yang diperkuat oleh pasukan Gurkha melakukan tindakan permusuhan ketika pasukan itu dalam perjalanan dari Semarang ke Magelang. Pasukan Inggris kemudian ditarik ke Semarang pada tanggal 15 Desember 1945. Di kota itu didirikan monumen Palagan Ambarawa.

  1. Pertempuran Medan Area, 10 Oktober 1946

Mr. Tengku Mohammad Hassan membentuk TKR di Medan dan Akhmad Taher, mantan perwira giyugun, diangkat sebagai panglimanya. Pasukan Inggris yang diboncengi oleh NICA dibawah Brigadir Jenderal T.E.D Kelly mendarat di Medan pada tanggal 9 November 1945. Pada tanggal 1 Desember Inggris memasang batas di empat penjuru kota Medan yang dikenal dengan Medan Area. Sejak itu pertempuran berlangsung antara pejuang dengan pasukan Inggris. Penangkapan, pembersihan,dan penggeledahan terus dilakukan. Setelah pasukan Inggris ditarik, perlawanan diteruskan untuk mengusir NICA dan puncak penyerangan terjadi bulan Desember 1946.

6. Perjuangan Pemuda Sulawesi Selatan, 25 Desember 1946

Di Sulawesi Selatan dibentuk Pusat Pemuda Nasional Indonesia yang dipimpin oleh Manai Sophiaan. NICA datang di Makasar dan mendirikan pemerintahan sipil. Sejak itu permusuhan dengan pemuda makin memuncak dan tempat-tempat strategis yang diduduki NICA direbut pemuda. Robert Wolter Monginsidi, pimpinan Angkatan Muda Pelajar (AMP), pejuang pemuda dan pemberani yang disertai kawan-kawannya menyerang tempat-tempat kedudukan Belanda. Belanda sangat khawatir terhadap kekuatan gabungan itu dan melakukan pembersihan pada tanggal 25 Desember 1946. Robert Wolter Monginsidi dan Emmy Saelan gugur dalam operasi itu.

  1. Bandung Lautan Api, 24 Maret 1946

Pasukan Inggris sudah masuk kota Bandung pada tanggal 21 November 1945. Tindakan pasukan itu mengundang permusuhan masyarakat di kota. Situasi semakin panas dan permusuhan semakin menjadi-jadi. Inggris mengultimatum agar penduduk Bandung meninggalkan kota. Akan tetapi, tanggal 23 malam TRI menyerang kota dan Bandung dibumihanguskan. Untuk membakar semangatpemuda dan pejuang dinyanyikan lagu Halo-halo Bandung ciptaan Ismail Marzuki.

  1. Puputan Margarana, 20 November 1946

Setelah Proklamasi Kemerdekaan, Mr. Ketut Puja diangkat sebagai Gubernur dan I Gusti Ngurah Rai sebagai komandan TKR. Pada tanggal 2-3 Maret 1946 pasukan Belanda mendarat di Bali. Belanda berpendapat bahwa menurut Perjanjian Linggarjati, Bali tidak termasuk wilayah Republik Indonesia. Itulah sebabnya Belanda menunjukan kekuasaannya di Pulau Dewata. Untuk menghadapi pasukan Belanda, Letkol I Gusti Ngurah Rai menghimpun kekuatan untuk menyerang kedudukan Belanda pada tanggal 20 November 1946. Pertempuran sengit terjadi di desa Marga. Pasukan I Gusti Ngurah Rai terdesak dan sebagian dari mereka gugur sebagai kusuma bangsa.

Medical Spa Treatments: Rejuvenate Your Face, Body And Spirit

Medical spas are a rapidly growing industry in America as new procedures emerge which can make women look 10-20 years younger without going under the knife. A medical spa is a mix between a traditional day spa and a medical center.

Because there is a medical specialist on staff, these facilities can offer the traditional treatments such as massage and facials in addition to cosmetic treatments such as Botox, Restylane, microdermabrasion, chemical peels, and laser hair removal.

The experience offers a relaxing alternative to a doctor's office, where a woman can pamper herself and benefit from the amenities of a spa while still getting cosmetic procedures from a medical professional. For most women, getting a medical treatment in a spa setting is far more relaxing than getting one in a cold, sterile, clinical setting.

A variety of treatments are available at these innovative and relaxing facilities. Botox is perhaps the most popular, widely available at spas across the country. Botox is injected around "expression lines" (the nicer term for what women call wrinkles!) either to diminish their appearance or to prevent the lines from forming or deepening, which causes women to look older.

It works by blocking the nerve impulses, which cause muscles to contract. It is reported that the three most common areas for Botox injections are the forehead, between the eyebrows, and on the sides of eyes (commonly referred to as "crows feet").

Prices for Botox range greatly from one facility to the next, but typically spas charge from $12-15 per unit with the forehead taking anywhere from 10-20 units and areas around the eyes taking significantly less. Botox typically lasts for 3 to 6 months.

Microdermabrasion is a second treatment that is exceedingly common, offering youthful-looking skin without cosmetic surgery. A mechanical exfoliation that removes the top layer of dead skin from the face, chest, and/or hands, microdermabrasion reveals the more youthful, glowing skin underneath.

Benefits include diminished look of wrinkles, large pores, sun damage, and coarse skin leaving an overall more youthful look. In addition, this procedure is sometimes called a "lunchtime peel" because it is fairly quick and requires little recovery time. The price for microdermabrasion usually ranges from $100-150 for a single session, though generally multiple sessions are recommended for optimal results.

Restylane, chemical peels, and laser treatments are also low cost, effective treatments offering a look younger without going under the knife. With medical spas, a simple day of pampering can dramatically improve your overall appearance with little to no recovery time.

One important question in choosing a medical spa is to determine whether a trained physician is involved to oversee and supervise the various treatments. While a doctor does not necessarily have to conduct the procedures, it is important that the person doing them is qualified, experienced and physician-trained. Regulations vary from state to state.

Overall, medical spas are an excellent alternative to the surgeon's office to get treatments that will leave you looking more glowing and youthful than you ever thought possible, all while relaxing in a spa-like setting.

By: A Aaronson

Secret Techniques For How To Sell On Ebay.

It’s easy to sell stuff on eBay. You don’t need to have much more than the basics, and beginners as well as experts need the same things: A computer with Internet access, an eBay account, and items that you would like to sell.

Here are some easy steps to follow when learning how to sell items on eBay.

One of the initial things that you need to do is get online and read a few articles about selling on eBay. It’s always a smart idea to try and learn as much as you can before actually starting anything.

While it is fairly inexpensive to sell things on eBay, you do have to pay listing fees that will continue as long an item is up for sale.

If you would like to save a couple of dollars, make sure you look for tips and other eBay information in their website Site Map section, and even on a wiki or some other kind of online information resource where you can find additional tips and pointers.

Now that you have a good idea about eBay and how things work there, you have to just dive in and try it for yourself. Register for an eBay account and then think of an item you might want to auction off.

This will be a trial run, so it doesn’t have to be a valuable item. You can sell pictures, antiques, collectibles, and cameras…basically anything you can think of. All you have to do is post it, (eBay will show you how, step-by-step) put a price on it and wait for potential buyers.

Once the item has sold and you’ve received your payment for the item along with mailing information from the buyer, you mail off the item and give the buyer some feedback.

You want to try to be as prompt as possible when replying to the buyer and mailing off your sold items. If you’re quick and easy to deal with, then the buyer will leave you some feedback as well. Feedback is the best way to find out who to trust and who not to trust on eBay.

Once you’ve sold an item, get yourself a PayPal account. Why? PayPal is the easiest way to get paid when you sell things on eBay.

If you use PayPal, then you can also use special features like shopping carts on your eBay store. Still, the most important thing when using PayPal is that you can take credit cards for your items.

Sure, both eBay and PayPal can be daunting sites for beginners, but you will become an expert very quickly. An online seller has to be able to adjust for any kind of business, and when it comes to e-commerce, eBay and PayPal is where the big players go.

So, how do you know what to sell on eBay? There are many categories of items that are being sold on eBay every day.

People really like to collect and buy lots of different goods.

I find it truly incredible how people like to fill their homes with items that others might consider not worth having, but remember the famous saying, "One person’s trash is another person’s treasure".

But, this is not a bad thing. A lot of individuals want the stuff that a lot of other people don’t want and eBay is a convenient place for them to meet. Sure, there are a lot of people on eBay who list sub par products, but there are also a lot of people selling some really cool stuff. Check it out yourself and you'll see that learning how to sell on eBay is a lot easier than you may have initially thought.

By: Sean Watson

Make An E-commerce Website Without Programming Knowledge

How to Sell online, accept PayPal® and credit cards, and offer shipping without programming knowledge?

If you want to make your own e-commerce website and sell your products and services online you have to go through a long process:

* You have to buy a domain name
* You have to set up hosting for your web site
* You have to build an attractive website with php/html for storefront
* You have to purchase SSL Certificate to make your web site and user data secure
* You have to have shopping cart software installed
* You have to arrange an agreement with online credit card authorization company for accepting major credit cards on your site
* You have to install payment system into your website

All these can be really time and money consuming. But there is a better, quicker, easier and cheaper way to build your online store.

Its called Quick Shopping Cart® By Papa Tiger

Quick Shopping Cart® lets you claim your share of the booming e-commerce industry by allowing you to build attractive and versatile online storefronts in a few quick steps.

The program includes Web hosting and comes with a variety of advanced features that allow you to set up and run a successful e-commerce business; including built-in payment options for cash, credit card and PayPal®; and integrated shipping services using UPS® and the U.S. Postal Service®.

Quick Shopping Cart even allows you to set up eBay® auctions and submit products to the Google®-operated Froogle™ shopping search engine.


* Allows you to build advanced online storefronts in a few quick steps.
* Supports multiple online payment options.
* Enables users to showcase products on eBay and Froogle.
* Seamless synchronization of order data between your online store and QuickBooks (Deluxe and Premium Plans only).

How it Works

The Quick Shopping Cart wizard lets you build an online storefront in a few easy steps. The interface is built around a selection of customizable, professionally-designed templates that allow you to create the exact e-store design and functionality you desire.

Online Sales are expected to hit $144 billion in the U.S. and £78bn in the UK by 2010. Isn't it time you got your piece of the pie? With Quick Shopping Cart, you can create and publish a stand-alone Internet store or add one to your existing Web site in a matter of minutes. Accept PayPal® and credit cards, offer multiple shipping options, issue coupons -all via your secure site. And there's NO "percentage of sales" fee!

Click here to go to Quick Shopping Cart

By: Miha Kos

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